ACTIONS: DATEOTR, Jeff Huckleberry: Things About Rainbows, Mills Gallery BCA, Boston Ma 2014
This VIDEO-ALTAR-ACTION was constructed with a GREASY foundation. ☗☠
               photos by Daniel S. DeLuca
DATEOTR was part of: JEFF HUCKLEBERRY - THINGS ABOUT RAINBOWS @ Boston Center for The Arts Mills Gallery
The Boston Center for the Arts presents Things about Rainbows, a process-based, evolving exhibition and performance art series that revolves around the work of artist Jeff Huckleberry. Huckleberry, who has been making performance art for over twenty years, employs a wide variety of materials, including paint, lumber, power tools, rubbing alcohol, ground coffee, dirt and ambient soundscapes. His performances explore a variety of dichotomies—playful/painful, serious/humorous, awkward/elegant — and consciously embody the politics of labor and art production. The exhibition title is inspired by both the artist’s complex exploration of how we perceive the goal of aesthetic experience, which Huckleberry colloquially refers to as “the thing,” and a body of work he developed based on the nature of rainbows.
Randi Hopkins, Associate Director of Visual Arts for the BCA: “We are excited to explore and celebrate Boston’s significant contributions to the development of performance art by highly accomplished and ever-experimental Boston-based artist Jeff Huckleberry. ‘Things about Rainbows’ will transform the Mills Gallery into not only an exhibition venue, but also a stage set as Huckleberry performs solo and with invited guests in an exhibition that evolves and changes over the course of its run.”
The exhibition will be comprised of a series of performance events that highlight both Jeff’s work and the work of artists who have influenced or collaborated with him throughout his career. These esteemed artists include: Marilyn Arsem, Sandy Huckleberry, Sandra Johnston, James Luna, Jamie McMurry, Alastair MacLennan, Vela Phelan and Julie Andrée T. The gallery will transform several times over the course of the six-week exhibition, during which Huckleberry will use the gallery as a workshop in order to generate the installations and objects for his performances. Prior to each event the objects installed in the space will be cleared in order to make room for a new set of artists and objects.
Things about Rainbows is curated by Daniel S. DeLuca
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