COLLABORATIONS: w/Jesse Kaminsky: Phototrop, White Walls Boston, All over Boston MA, 2012.
Phototrop was an experiment in the volumetric aspects of light. It was a video and sculptural installation in the back of a UHaul truck. Using simple, familiar materials, we created a spatialized projection screen made up of thousands of clear, blue strings into which a rear projection video can be displayed. By using this unconventional screen-object, each viewer had a unique experience of dimensional perspective and was engaged as performer both for themselves as they explore a personalized space-within-a-space, and for others, as their actions give clues about how to experience the work.
White Walls Boston was a pop-up platform for artists to engage with an audience in a forum far outside traditional galleries using rented trucks as an autonomous exhibition space.
This project is generously supported by the Berwick Research Institute.

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